Research programs of the Department of Linguistics and Teaching

The Department has participated in several important research projects and programmes in the last few years. Some of the most recent ones are the following:

National Certificate of Language Proficiency (KPG): This is a programme run by the Ministry of Education and aiming at developing and implementing a national system of language proficiency certification, equivalent to the certification systems offered by foreign organisations in the Greek education market (2003-2013). The development of KPG was based on the «Common European Framework of Reference for Languages» created by the Council of Europe, and it is aimed at providing certification of different levels of «knowledge» of a foreign language, by examining a person’s degree of competence and ability to understand and produce written and oral text in that language. KPG exams test and assess the knowledge of mainly Greek users in 6 foreign languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish). For this reason, the social circumstances of language use are taken into account and communicative competences in the mediation from Greek to the foreign language are tested, as opposed to other assessment systems, where exams are designed in one language only, regardless of the users and the environment of language use.



Development of a website providing digital material to help national exams candidates prepare for the special subject of French Language in the context of “study4french», designed by the Schools of French Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2012-2013). The website was assessed and awarded a prize within the framework of Action "Learning 2.0 plus" and received a special mention.






"Subproject on “Certification of instructors’ skills” implemented by the Ministry of Education under Action "Training instructors in using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education" within the framework of Measure 1.2 of the operational programme “Information Society” (2005)

Thematic Network Project TNP2 - Languages, New Learning Environments – The European Learning Space (2000-2003) within the framework of SOCRATES programme. A Member of the Department participated in the scientific committee of the project which coordinated the Freie Universität Berlin. Website

ΕΚΑΤI project (Distance Learning in Education/Training through Information Technologies under Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training EPEAEK ΙΙ (2003-2006).

Research project on "Using asynchronous distance learning systems in language teaching" (89336) under the programme for enhancing research at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Action D: Enhancing research in the Humanities) (2013-2014).

Research project on "New technologies and virtual environments in language learning & training" under the programme for enhancing research at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Action D: Enhancing research in the Humanities) (2011-2012).

Members of the Department have also participated in several research projects in recent years within the framework of Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training EPEAEK Ι (XENIOS), LEONARDO DA VINCI (DIMITRA), LINGUA III (CARPE D.M.), ESF and DEFI-MED-CAMPUS (1990-2000)